Is Nowsight™ right for you?

Do you have systems that require multiple logins and/or spreadsheets that are created manually that help run your business?

Does everyone have simple, real-time access and does information come automatically to them customized narrative for their specific role and position in the company?

Do you have people in roles (full or part-time) spending more than 2-5 hours each week on spreadsheets or reporting?

Most have up to 30% of their people working 2-5 hours/day on reporting — a huge hidden cost — versus working on increasing revenue or decreasing costs.

Do you have data that are ‘trapped’ in a server room, on someone’s computer, or spreadsheets — and the information is distributed periodically as email attachments?

Less than 5% of people actually look at these, or look at the right information. They don’t provide complete or correct information in a time frame useful to make good decisions — if they are even opened (which they are not).

Do people have specific personal or department goals that they need to deliver on daily/weekly to ensure the company hits their business objectives? Do they need to see their progress/performance?

If you answered “yes” to two of more of these questions, Nowsight is indeed right for you.

Contact us today: or Schedule a Demo