Widespread access to timely, relevant, and contextualized data has fundamentally transformed how Seegars’ employees, managers, and executives operate and make decisions. One of the most powerful examples of how democratizing access to data has improved company performance is among Seegars’ sales force.
Thanks to Nowsight, individual salespeople now receive daily emails that show exactly how close that person is to their sales goal, how many days they have left to achieve it, and where they stand compared to their colleagues. Similar metrics are provided to individual branch managers, alerting them to their progress towards monthly and yearly goals, how they’re doing compared to the prior year, and whether they are ahead or behind other branches.
It’s information that instinctively triggers the competitiveness of salespeople. “We’ve seen people that a year-and-a-half ago were adequate salesmen, at best, rise up to be in the top five performers pretty consistently,” said Batchelor.
The benefit isn’t just that the Seegars’ sales team receives repeated updates on how their individual performance compares to their peers. Seegars also has a pay-for-performance bonus based on a scorecard with five metrics. The daily email delivers updates on that as well. “The five metrics on the scorecard are all things that they control that are specific to their role with the company and their bonus is multiplied by the net profitability of the company,” said Seegars. “A lot of the metrics that we monitor in Nowsight and that we email our sales team every morning gets them fired up to get out there and blow those goals out of the water.”